
Monday, February 14, 2011

SAN LUIS BELTRAN: Patron of All Dominican Novices


Patron of All Dominican Novices

            Saint Louis was born in Valencia, Spain, on January 1, 1526.  He was exceptionally pious as a child, reciting daily the Office of Our Lady and attending different churches in order to conceal from the knowledge of others his frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist.

            He received the Dominican habit, against the wishes of his parents, at the age of 19 and was ordained before he was 22.  Not many years after, he was appointed Novice Master, which office he fulfilled with so much zeal, prudence, virtue, self-denial and penance.  The Order of Preachers considers him to be the Patron of All its Novitiates and Formation Personnel for furnishing his novices and personnel a perfect model for their imitation.

            On fire with love for the salvation of all men, Saint Louis volunteered for the foreign missions and was eventually sent to Latin America.  There he labored indefatigably for over seven years among the most savage and hostile Indian tribes of Colombia, Venezuela, the West Indies and possibly southern Florida.  Though totally ignorant of the language if these people, he was able to convert numerous numbers through the miraculous gift of tongues.  His preaching was accompanied by many miracles and prophecies.  He once raised a girl to life by the application of a Rosary and often attributed to Our Lady the miraculous powers he manifested.  He returned to Spain and resumed his duties as Novice Master and won the esteem and friendship of Saint Teresa of Avila.  Later, he served as Prior of various houses.

            The celebrated Dominican preacher died on October 9, 1581 after suffering a long and painful illness.  Many prodigies accompanied his passing.  During the process of his beatification, witnesses testified that shortly after his death a heavenly perfume arose from his body, and that a light, which glowed for several minutes, proceeded from his mouth and illuminated his whole cell, and that seraphic music was heard in the church before his funeral.  Saint Louis was canonized by Pope Clement X on the same day as Saint Rose of Lima, April 12, 1671.

                        Almighty and ever living God, you filled the heart of Saint Louis with reverence for your name; inflame our hearts with the same fire that we may serve you faithfully with both awe and love.  This we ask you through Christ our Lord.  Amen.


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