
Monday, February 14, 2011

SAN JUAN DE COLONIA: Priest and Martyr of the Eucharist

c.1550 - 1572
Canonized in 1867 by Pope Pius IX
Feast day: 9 July

Martyr of the Eucharist

John was born in Germany towards the end 16th century.

He joined the Dominicans in Cologne, Germany, though the persecutions of the time made it impossible for him to wear his habit.

He was sent to work in the Netherlands.

He was the Parish Priest of Horner, the Netherlands.

When he heard of the arrest and abuse of Catholics in Gorkum, the Netherlands, he visited them in prison, smuggling in the Eucharist.

He brought relief to the Catholic cruelly persecuted by the heretical Calvinists.

When he was discovered to be a priest he was arrested, and tortured.

He was offered his freedom if he would deny the pope's authority over the Church; he declined.

He is one of the Gorkum Martyrs.

With 18 other religious of different Orders and secular priests, he was hanged in 9 July 1572 for the defense of the Holy Eucharist and the Primacy of the Pope.

He was beatified in 1675 and was canonized by Pius IX on 29 June 1867.

The souls of the saints who followed Christ in His footsteps now rejoice in heaven, and because they shed their blood for his love will reign with Christ forever.

V. Pray for us Blessed John and Companions,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:
O God, You gave us an outstanding example of faith and fortitude in the glorious martyrdom of Blessed John and his companions; grant, we beseech you, that, through their prayers and example we may strongly resist the adversities of this world and be found persevering in the confession of the true faith. This we ask through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

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